
Sedation Dentistry in Pocket-Greenhaven Sacramento

Image of a young woman under dental sedation.

If you or your family experience dental anxiety, you may find yourselves avoiding important dental care. Our team at the practice of Michael O'Brien, DDS, is passionate about providing Sacramento with sedation dentistry that helps minimize worries about dental treatment, allowing you to get much-needed procedures or routine care. We provide nitrous oxide sedation for children and nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation for adults.

We're proud to have served families in Sacramento in the Greenhaven, Pocket, and Land Park neighborhoods since 1983. Over the years, we've provided excellent dental care to the local community, and we understand the importance of making everyone feel comfortable. From your young children to senior family members, we commit to treating everyone who walks through our doors with compassion and respect. We'll happily answer your questions and encourage you to ask about our sedation options if you're anxious about your care. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and learn how our southwestern Sacramento sedation dentistry can make your treatments easier.


What Is Sedation Dentistry or Sleep Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry refers to using different medications to assist in relaxing patients before and during dental treatments. Sedation dentistry is sometimes referred to as "sleep dentistry", although the majority of dentists only provide conscious forms of sedation. While some dentists are certified to perform general anesthesia, those dentists are often performing advanced care like maxillofacial surgery or complex oral surgeries.

There are several different levels of sedation that dentists can provide. These include:

  • Minimal sedation: You'll be awake but very relaxed with minimal sedation.
  • Moderate sedation: This level of sedation has been called "conscious sedation" in the past. At this level, you may begin slurring words and often won't remember much of your procedure, but you will be awake and can respond to stimuli somewhat.
  • Deep sedation: At this level of sedation, you can still be woken up, but you are very close to being unconscious and likely have no memory of the procedure.
  • General anesthesia: When under general anesthesia, you are completely unconscious and won't be aware of the procedure.

Our Southwest Sacramento Sleep Dentistry Options

We offer two types of dental sedatives at our Sacramento practice. Many patients with severe dental anxiety report that their fears were eased significantly by our sedation options. The two types of sedation delivery methods we provide are:

Nitrous Oxide Gas: This is a minimal sedation method, so you'll be awake but very relaxed. We'll place an ergonomically designed breathing mask over your mouth and nose, and you'll simply breathe in and out a few times to feel the effects of the nitrous oxide gas take hold. Many patients experience a general feeling of well-being and a pleasant body-numbing effect. In addition, the effects of nitrous oxide wear off very quickly, meaning you can drive safely after your appointment and return to work with no lasting grogginess.

Oral Conscious Sedation: The level of sedation that oral sedation can offer ranges from mild to moderate based on dose. This means you can be relatively responsive during treatment on a small dose or have very little memory of the procedure on a higher one. If we prescribe oral sedation, we will require that you have someone drive you to and from your appointment. Oral conscious sedation also serves the purpose of helping you relax in the hours leading up to your dental appointment, reducing your stress levels before treatment.

How Can Sedation Dentistry Help Me?

When we provide our skilled sedation services, our primary goal is to make patients who experience dental distress feel more comfortable about their care. If you avoid the dentist because of dental anxiety, sedation dentistry is a great method to help you get the care you need.

If you have a strong aversion to needles, struggle with a sensitive gag reflex, or have a phobia related to the sights and sounds of dental offices and procedures, our team is here to manage your anxieties. Additionally, sleep dentistry is excellent for addressing the needs of children who have considerable difficulties sitting still for long periods or following directions. We've helped many patients who experience concerns like yours, and we look forward to helping you overcome your worries. We can use sedation dentistry for procedures as invasive as dental implants or as simple as routine cleanings. The level of use is not up to the intensity of your care but rather the intensity of your anxiety.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

While there is always some amount of risk when getting anesthesia, the forms of mild to moderate sedation we offer are very safe compared to unconscious anesthesia methods. Risks can be compounded if you are obese or have obstructive sleep apnea, though, and our dentist will talk to you about issues that can arise for affected patients undergoing any type of anesthesia. Our dental team has extensive experience providing sedation dentistry in south Sacramento and has been doing so carefully and safely for many decades. We'll go through your medical history and talk to you about any concerns you have when discussing your options with you.

Southwestern Sacramento Sedation Dentistry for You

At the practice of Michael O'Brien, DDS, we are passionate about getting people the dental care they need. Our aim with our compassionate sedation dentistry is to help our patients get over their anxieties and get motivated to come in for the care they need. If you have been putting off getting dental care because of anxiety-related issues, our judgment-free team is happy to offer you the aid of safe sedatives that make your appointments feel easier. Contact our team today to discuss our sedation dentistry options in Sacramento and get your smile health on track!

